14 Feb



MobiMind’s DCB Equals Total Peace of Mind

Our Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) platform is a proprietary full Mobile payment solution for Operators, merchants, apps & games’ developers alike.

Its key features are:

  • It provides a full scalable solution that enables Operators to process mobile payments in a secure way
  • It regulates the billing mechanism throughout its SDKs and APIs, allowing the Operators to have a safe methodology with secured algorithms for all their mobile payments, with zero infringement
  • It can be fully integrated with every Operator’s existing billing platform
  • Operators can design the billing process the way they want, and the solution will ensure it gets enforced
  • It integrates PSMS, DCB, direct IN billing, as well as any other billing mechanism adopted by the Operator
  • Game Developers will be able to implement the specific DCB’s SDKs, which allows them to use the Operator’s enabled features in a seamless manner

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.

14 Feb

Fly Ad

Fly Ad

FlyAD / Smart Messaging

FlyAD is a full turnkey solution for Operators allowing them to compete in the Digital Advertisement Market while benefiting from it for their local services.

FlyAD is a Native Sim Toolkit Applet which enables Operators:

  • To send Pop Up Text Interactive Campaigns to the end users
  • Interactivity across all handsets, thus offering advertisers more flexibility and much sought after interactivity with their clients

This solution can target One-to-Many campaigns, as well as event-based campaigns (One-to-One)

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.

14 Feb



MobiMind’s SDP Means Full Customization

MobiMind’s Service Delivery Platform (SDP) is scalable, fully compliant, and completely secure across all areas.

Our SDP allows Operators to develop tailor-made service packages that are best fit to their customers’ specific and diversified needs, while being closely integrated with web interfaces.

Furthermore, it empowers Operators to define clear business rules, and enforcing them on all the Services/Service Providers (SPs), while flexibly allowing the SPs to define, develop and deploy their new services much faster than they have historically been able to.

Last but not least, our SDP specializes in “Software Building Blocks”, which eases the development of portals by allowing the fairly junior programmers or even people with no IT background to implement the kinds of modifications needed or requested by the services that once could only be made by experienced programmers.

For more information, feel free to get in touch with us.